The purpose of rhinoplasty is to make people beautiful according to the tastes and culture of society. In every society, the definition of beautiful nose is different nose. In the history the first person who attempted to analysis the face was Leonardo da Vinci. By parallel lines he divided the face into three equal sections that simply includes the following sections from top to bottom:
3. From end of the nose to the chin
Examining the angles of the nose is the essential part of pre-operative procedures of Rhinoplasty. For Rhinoplasty surgeon (nose specialist) photos taken from the patient (including shots of face, the smiling face, both sides of profile, sideling of sides and base of the nose) are like EKG to a cardiologist.
The related perspectives of the nose are also other important criteria for determining the beauty of nose.
– The angle between the nose and the forehead shows the amount of the angle between the base of nose and forehead and usually in operation they deepen it.
Another factor of nasal aesthetic is the degree of bumps or projection. Nose bumps of individuals are usually normal but in some people nose bumps are more or less than the normal. Often in rhinoplasty they try to make projection unchanged.
Base of the nose or ala (wing of nose) are also one of important issues. The hugeness or width of them can be surgically removed. One of the most important and attractive facilities for performing better rhinoplasty is the use of hardware, software facilities and moreover many of the processes before and after surgery are traceable.
Before rhinoplasty, the doctor takes digital photos. Usually for this purpose a camera with a resolution of 3 megapixels is enough and it can also be done in the office. Analyzing the face by the software is the best practice that is done by the doctor in his office. This can be done also by online software. Usually the doctor by using software provides the possible picture of post-operation to the patient.
However, it is emphasized that this photo is not in any way definitive and final result depends on skin type and the patient’s response to surgery and surgical technique. In the computational method the intended changes of the surgeon and the patient can be applied to the images and this can reduces patient anxiety about the result of Rhinoplasty. In addition to the advantages mentioned above, these photos can suggest other cosmetic procedures such as chin augmentation as well.
In addition to the advantages mentioned above, these photos can suggest other cosmetic surgeries such as chin augmentation. In every Rhinoplasty there is 8 to 15 percent chance of reoperation or (revision).
After the operation taking photos every one, three, six and twelve months are necessary. Nose profile, in women is better with hump towards inside but in men back of the flat nose is shapelier. In lateral view, especially in some Iranian women the chin is small and there is a need for chin augmentation that includes approximately 20 percent of the population.
Finally, it is emphasized that the final result can be seen one year after surgery and any revision surgery up to one year after surgery is avoided unless on limited basis.